Wednesday, July 06, 2011

So many Scott Heaths

When I thought I'd dig up my neglected website, I couldn't recall what I had named it. I tried [no, different Mr. Heath], and even [not me, either]. It's actually that ends up here.

I don't think either of these Scotts is the one responsible for collection agencies often calling me by mistake, but my thick neurotrauma accent usually convinces them that I am not that Scott Heath.

Lately, I've begun calling myself the Scott Heath.

Blogging 2011

Back in 2002 or so I used the web-accessible storage space provided by my e-mail service to cobble together my own home page. Since then, services like have sprung up to automate the whole process. I see that I've not been taking the time to make a lot of entries into this blog, though. Maybe if I just incorporated more controversial phrases, I would pop up in more searches and get some replies.