Saturday, December 22, 2012

100% retired

On November 27, Bonfils Blood Center closed their their Research department.  I had thought I had a safe job since I was working so closely with my boss on a pet project of his. He lost his position at the same time, though.

I supposed this could force me into early retirement, but I'm applying for positions and sending out resumés.

Monday, November 12, 2012

20% Retired

As of today, my employer has implemented my request to base my job on a four-day, 32-hour work week.

I hope to have more time to work on projects like this blog, or my photos.
 All that starts Wednesday.

Friday, October 05, 2012


Back in 2002 or so I thought I'd try my hand at cobbling together my own home page on the internet. When all the stuff I had worked so hard to do became available in an automated way here on Blogger, I signed up. Now that all the technical stuff is taken care of by Google, I see that I've been neglecting the content.

Well, I've been exploring 7" tablets and Android apps. Now Blogger has an app, so I may be adding more posts.